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US Presidential Election Odds 2020 Weekly Rundown: Trump Tumbles

Anthony Bennett for Bookies.com

Anthony Bennett  | 

US Presidential Election Odds 2020 Weekly Rundown: Trump Tumbles

After losing the top spot last week, President Donald Trump drifts even further. Meanwhile, Democratic challenger Joe Biden’s picture continues to get just a little bit rosier.

CandidateThis WeekLast WeekTrend
Joe Biden-118-110
Donald Trump+110+105
Hillary Clinton+5000+5000
Michelle Obama+6600+5000
Mike Pence+6600+6600
Andrew Cuomo +10000+10000
Bernie Sanders+10000+10000

Odds courtesy of 888sport's UK-facing betting site and subject to change. Check out our Presidential Odds page to stay up to date

Remember to keep checking back each week as we track where the top candidates stand and point out trends in order to give you the best view of the 2020 U.S. Presidential betting market so far, and where it might be headed.

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Joe Biden 2020 Odds

US Presidential Election Odds 2020 Weekly Rundown: Trump Tumbles 1

The former vice president sees his odds improve to -118 a week after taking over favorite status. While it was a pretty quiet week for Biden (other than formally clinching the nomination late last week), he has widened his leads nationally and in battleground states.

That includes the last five polls taken in Florida, considered the least likely of the five key states to flip for the Democrats. But Biden still lags on perceptions on how he’ll handle the economy, leaving him vulnerable if, as economic signs may be showing, Trump manages to take a recovered economy into Election Day.

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What Are the Odds Donald Trump Wins Re-Election?

US Presidential Election Odds 2020 Weekly Rundown: Trump Tumbles 2

The incumbent’s odds drift to +110 this week, the first time he’s been longer than even since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis. He’s lagging in the polls and faces defection from his united PR front over last week’s handling of protests.

Trump has begun planning another controversial campaign offensive, holding a Juneteenth rally in Tulsa, home to one of America’s worst racial massacres, and moving the Republican National Convention to Jacksonville on the anniversary of another civil rights landmark.

With the election seemingly slipping away from him, it makes sense he’d want to get back on his front foot; whether there’s time is another matter.

Hillary Clinton 2020 Odds

Hillary Clinton holds at +5000 this week. The email scandal that cost her the last election took up most of her past week as well, as lawyers fight over whether she’ll be forced to testify in a conservative group’s lawsuit over the matter. In the meantime she has laid relatively low in presidential politics.

Michelle Obama 2020 Odds

The former first lady drifts to +6600 this week. With the already remote chance that she’d mount a convention challenge for the nomination officially closed, she’s relegated to a (still unsought) hope for the VP slot. With rumors about Biden’s selection increasingly circling around Kamala Harris instead, any as-yet-unsaid plans for the nomination are growing increasingly unlikely.

CHECK OUT: The Latest Biden VP Pick Odds

Mike Pence 2020 Odds

Mike Pence holds at +6600 this week. His coronavirus cred took a hit after posting a photo of Trump campaign staff without masks or social distancing; with that bump out of the way and with time running out to mount an insurrection, it’s tough to see his odds improving.

Candidates with Longer than +10000 Odds

Bernie Sanders holds at +10000 this week. He has increasingly lost favor with his base after refusing to endorse their more radical ideas, including calls this week to defund the police. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo remains with Sanders at +10000.

Swing-State Odds

Unchanged swing state odds this week continue to predict an Electoral College victory for Biden. His home state of Pennsylvania widens even further, going to -200 for Democrats and +140 for Republicans.

CHECK OUT: The Latest Swing State Odds

Winning Party Odds

Political PartyOdds to Win Presidency

Winning Party Odds

The Democrats widen their newly won lead, going to -137 as the Republicans drift to +110. All other parties remain at +5000, with no odds for third-party individual candidates.

NOTE: Betting on politics is not legal in the U.S. but heavily bet on in Europe. For more info on political betting in general as well as coverage of the latest news affecting the odds, be sure to check out our guide to betting on politics.

About the Author

Anthony Bennett for Bookies.com
Anthony Bennett
Anthony Bennett covers the US political betting market for Bookies.com with a concentration on the presidential election. Anthony is also a political contributor for Heavy.com.